Enforcing Sea Control in IOR with Joint Naval and Aerial Assets

Click to View the PDF Author: Captain Sunil Tyagi, Senior Fellow, Centre for Air Power Studies 08 November 2023 Keywords: Maritime Command, Sea Control, Theaterisation, Indian Ocean...

Future-Proofing Encryption: The Imminent Threat of ‘Store Now, Decrypt Later’ and Quantum Computing

Author: Captain Sunil Tyagi, Senior Fellow, Centre for Air Power Studies Keywords: Quantum Computing, Store Now Decrypt Later (SNDL), RSA Algorithm, Shor's Algorithm Introduction The advent of...

Survivability of Nuclear Arsenal – What? How?

Author: Dr Manpreet Sethi, Distinguished Fellow, Centre for Air Power Studies Keywords: Nuclear deterrence, survivability, SSBNs, mobile missiles, BMD In earlier issues of the NuClearly Put...

Beijing’s Operating Posture Dilemma: Bastion or Open Patrol

Click to View the PDF Author: Anubhav Shankar Goswami, Research Associate, Centre for Air Power Studies 20 October 2023 Keywords: China, PLAN, SSBN, South China Sea. 

India-Maldives Ties – Beyond the Ballot

Author: Radhey Tambi, Research Associate , Centre for Air Power Studies Keywords: India-Maldives ties, Maldives elections, Male’s dilemma, India’s options On October 1, 2023, India’s South...

Exercise Bushido Guardian 23: Evolving Japan-Australia Defence Cooperation

Author: Simran Walia, Associate Fellow, Centre for Air Power Studies Keywords: Japan, Australia, Defence, Air force The Japanese Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF) and the Royal Australian...

C-295 Fleet: A Boost to Indian Air Force Airlift Capability

Click to View the PDF Author: Group Captain (Dr) Swaim Prakash Singh, Senior Fellow, Centre for Air Power Studies 04 October 2023 Keywords: C-295MW, tactical operations, Global...

Is More Nuclear Testing a Deterrence Necessity?

Author: Dr Manpreet Sethi, Distinguished Fellow, Centre for Air Power Studies Keywords: nuclear testing, CTBT, Pokhran II, nuclear deterrence. Based on satellite images taken by Planet...

Emerging India-Japan Partnership in Bangladesh

Click to View the PDF Author: Simran Walia, Associate Fellow, Centre for Air Power Studies 26 September 2023 Keywords: India, Japan, Bangladesh, Security. 

A new military grouping is emerging in the Indo-Pacific

Author: Dr Joshy M. Paul, Research Fellow, Centre for Air Power Studies Keywords: Airpower in East Asia, US-China Rivalry, New Cold War in the Pacific The...

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