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415 Posts

Liberalized Drone Policy Calls for Strict Air Space Management Mechanism

Wg Cdr Swaim Prakash Singh, Senior Fellow, CAPS    Click to View

France, Indo-Pacific Outlook and AUKUS Tensions: Assessing India’s Position

Ms Mahima Duggal, Research Associate, CAPS  Click to View

Two Rounds of the Strategic Stability Dialogue: An Analysis

Author: Dr Silky Kaur, Associate Fellow, CAPS Keywords: Strategic Stability, Arms Control, Disarmament, Treaties, Trilateral Talks On June 16, 2021, after the meeting of Presidents Biden and...

Implicatioins of Recent Development in PLA’s Western Theatre Command

Shri Jayadeva Ranade, President, Centre for China Analysis and Strategy, Former Additional Secretary, Cabinet Secretariat, Government of India  Click to View

Growing Chorus for an ASAT Test Ban Treaty

Gp Capt TH Anand Rao, Senior Fellow, CAPS Testing of Anti-Satellite Weapons (ASAT) in outer space has become a menace in recent years.  The after effects...

India and the AUKUS pact: Pain or Gain for New Delhi

Author: Dr Joshy M Paul, Research Fellow, CAPS                                   ...

Mellowing the Hype Over Hypersonic Missiles: A Panacea for Ballistic Missile Defence?

Mr Abhishek Saxena, Research Associate, CAPS  

China’s Overtures to Afghanistan: Prospective Rare-Earth Mining

Author: Ms Neha Mishra, Research Associate, CAPS The political scenario of Afghanistan is the current point of disquiet for the world at large. The sudden and...

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