Ms Mahima Duggal
Associate Fellow
Ms Mahima Duggal is an Associate Fellow with the Centre for Air Power Studies (CAPS) in New Delhi. Her research study is titled ‘Changing Balance of Air Power in the Indo-Pacific’, with her work being broadly focused on the security issues of the Indo-Pacific region.
Ms. Duggal has written extensively on subjects like Indian foreign policy, India-China ties, the India-Japan partnership, East Asian security dynamics, the rise of China, US alliances and partnerships in the Indo-Pacific, the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue and other regional minilaterals, and Europe’s interest in the Indo-Pacific. Ms. Duggal’s writings have been published by national and international platforms, including The Diplomat, Asia Times, South Asian Voices (Stimson Center), 9DashLine, Wszystko Co Najwazniejsze (Poland), Eurasia Review, World Is One News (WION), Indian Defence Review, Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, Council on Geostrategy (UK), the Institute for Security and Development Policy (Sweden), and the Canon Institute for Global Studies (Japan). Ms. Duggal has also authored several peer-reviewed journal articles, including in the Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs (JIPA) and the Journal of Indian Ocean Studies (JIOS).
In addition to this, Ms. Duggal has contributed numerous individual and co-authored chapters to edited volumes by published internationally, such as ‘India, Mongolia and Northeast Asia: Between Geography and the Geopolitical Realities’ in Mongolia and Northeast Asian Security: Nuclear Proliferation, Environment, and Civilisational Confrontations (edited by Alicia J. Campi and Jagannath P. Panda), ‘Between Accords and Discords: Korea in United Nations Discourse’ in The Future of the Korean Peninsula: Korea 2032 and Beyond (edited by Mason Richey, Jagannath P. Panda, and David A. Tizzard), ‘AUKUS and the Five Eyes: Between Complementarities and Contradictions’ in the research study, AUKUS: Resetting European Thinking on the Indo-Pacific (edited by Niklas Swanstrom and Jagannath P. Panda), and ‘Quad as Asian NATO: A Practical Proposition?’ in Multilateralism in the Indo-Pacific: Conceptual and Operational Challenges (edited by Swaran Singh and Reena Marwah).
Ms. Duggal is also an Associated Research Fellow at the Stockholm Centre for South Asian and Indo-Pacific Affairs (SCSA-IPA) of the Institute for Security and Development Policy (ISDP) in Sweden, and the Editorial Assistant to Series Editor for Routledge Studies on Think Asia. Ms. Duggal graduated at the top of her cohort in 2019 with an MA in International Security (Distinction) from the University of Warwick (UK). She also holds a BSc (Honours) in International Relations from the University of London (academic direction by the London School of Economics) and a BComn with dual major in Journalism and Public Relations from the University of Newcastle (Australia).