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Defence And Diplomacy



ISSN No.: 2347-3703
RNI No.: DELENG/2012/41043

Articles submitted for Defence and Diplomacy should be original contributions and should not be under consideration for any other publication at the same time. If another version of the article is under consideration by another publication, or has been, or will be published elsewhere, authors should clearly indicate this at the time of submission.

The length of the articles should be between 3,000 to 4,000 words (including notes and references). The article should begin with an indented summary of around 100 words, which should describe the main arguments and conclusions of the article.

Articles should be typewritten in Times New Roman Font style, Font size 12, double-spaced (including the notes) and with ample margins. All pages (including those containing only diagrams, graphs and tables) should be numbered consecutively.

All diagrams, charts and graphs should be referred to as figure and consecutively numbered. Tables should be kept to a minimum and contain only essential data. Each figure and table must be given an Arabic numeral, followed by a heading, and be referred to in the text. Citation/Notes should be placed at the end of each page.

A small introduction about the author (50 words), including Author’s full name, details of the author’s institutional affiliations, and contact information should be included in the mail. Any acknowledgements should be included on the cover sheet as should a note of the exact length of the article.

Articles should be submitted through e-mail to the ID: | with the subject: “Article submission for Defence and Diplomacy Journal”. Any diagrams or maps (Copyright free) should be mailed along with the article in PNG or JPG formats as individual files. It is the author’s responsibility to ensure that where copyright materials are included within an article, the permission of the copyright holder has been obtained. Confirmation about copyright, if acquired, should also be included in the mail during article submission.


Authors are responsible for ensuring that their manuscripts conform to the journal style. The journal makes use of the Chicago Manual of Style for References. Dates in the form January 1, 2000. Use figures for 11 and above. British spellings are to be used. Sub-headings and sub-sub-headings should be unambiguously marked on the copy.


Notes should be double spaced and numbered consecutively through the article.

The first line of a note must align with subsequent lines. Each note number should be standard size and have a full point.

  1. a) References to books should give author’s name: title of the book (italics); and the place, publisher and date of publication in brackets.

e.g., Samuel P. Huntington, The Common Defense (NY: Columbia UP, 1961), Ch. 2, pp. 14-18.

2. References to articles in periodicals should give the author’s initials and surname, the title of the article in quotation marks, title of the periodical (italics), the number of the volume/issue in Arabic numerals, the date of publication, and the page numbers:

e.g., Douglas M. Fox, “Congress and the US Military Service Budgets in the Post War Period,” Midwest Journal of Political Science, vol. 16, no. 2, May 1971, pp. 382-393.

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